Westlea Nursery class

Nursery Class Gallery

Welcome to Westlea Nursery Class

Thank you for taking the time to find out more about our Nursery Class. We believe it is a truly exceptional place for young children to learn and develop in a safe, caring environment. On this page, you’ll discover more about our nursery and our provision.  

We offer spaces for children aged between 3 and 4, with full day sessions running from 9:00am to 3:00pm, morning sessions running from 9:00am to 12:00pm, and afternoon sessions running from 12:00pm to 3:00pm. 

Please note that we only accept admissions into the Nursery at the start of the next term following your child's 3rd birthday which will be in September, January or April.
For example, if your child turns 3 in July then they would be admitted at the start of term in September.

Nursery Admissions Arrangements 2024-2025

If you have any questions regarding Westlea's Nursery Class, please email the Nursery on admin@westleaschool.org.uk

Starting Nursery

We want your child to feel happy and safe with us. We know that all children are unique individuals; some settle at their first session, while other children take longer. Parents should not feel worried if it takes their child a while to settle; the nursery staff will keep you updated regarding how your child is settling in. When you accept a place at the Nursery, our staff will work with you to decide on how to help your child settle in.  

You and your child are welcome to come for a 'play and stay' session before their first day at Nursery. 

Funding for Children

At Westlea Nursery, we are delighted to be able to offer both 15 and 30 hours free childcare to the parents of 3 and 4 year-olds. We understand the financial impact that paying for nursery can have on families, so we are pleased that the parents of children attending our nursery have access to funding. 

We also offer those with 15 hours funding the opportunity to pay for their child to stay all day. Please follow the links to find out more: 

15 Hours Free Childcare for 2 to 4 year olds

 Apply for free childcare

Frequently Asked Questions


Please label all clothing clearly for ease of identification.

The Nursery Class has some spare clothes available in case of accidents, but please provide a spare set of clothes in your child’s bag in case they are needed - accidents and enthusiastic playing in sand and water do sometimes happen!

Please also make sure that your child has a named water bottle with them each day. 

Will my child take part in outdoor learning?

As required by the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) our children access the outdoor area in all weathers. Therefore, children will need suitable outdoor clothing at all times: sun hats during hot weather and warm coats during cold weather, as well as a waterproof coat in the case of rain.

We also ask that children have a named pair of wellies in school at all times, as these are required to access the sand and water areas.  

Do I need to send my child any food for the day? 

If your child attends a morning session, they will be provided with a free snack and milk. The snack will be a piece of fruit and will depend on what is delivered to us each week. We also provide your children with the opportunity to try different fruits/vegetables throughout the year.  

If your child attends a whole day, then they will be provided with a free snack and milk in the morning and will also stay for lunch – this can be a packed lunch from home or you can order and pay for a hot school dinner from SchoolGrid. The links to the relevant websites will be sent to you once your child has started.  

If your child attends an afternoon session, they will come in and have their lunch straight away - this can be a packed lunch from home or you can order and pay for a hot school dinner from SchoolGrid. The links to the relevant websites will be sent to you once your child has started.