school Uniform

School Uniform Details

Burgundy fleece, jumper, cardigan or  sweatshirt
(With or without logo)

White blouse/ polo shirt

Grey/Black skirt/ trousers or pinafore dress
Black shoes (no open toe sandals please)

In summer, a burgundy gingham dress may be worn.

Burgundy fleece, jumper or sweatshirt
(With or without logo)

White shirt/polo shirt

Grey/Black trousers/shorts

Black shoes (not trainers)

Westlea Primay school has a Dress Code, and School uniform is expected to be worn by all children as a matter of school policy – this includes hair being tied back, no trainers or casual wear. 

​The advantages of this are:

  • a pride in the school
  • less competition between those who can afford highly expensive clothing and those who cannot
  • less of a tussle in the mornings on “What shall we wear today?”
  • school uniform is hard wearing and more cost effective

As a school we support religious and cultural differences in uniform, please contact the Headteacher for more information.

Please follow the link to view the Westlea School Dress Code

PE Kit


For children in Year 1 and up, pupils may wear their PE Kit to school on PE days.


Pupils should wear a plain white t-shirt or polo shirt with non branded bottoms, these can include black, grey or navy shorts or joggers. Children can wear their school jumper, school cardigan or a plain, non-branded (no logos) hooded top if cold. 


For children in EYFS and Year 1 please can a PE Kit (white polo or t-shirt, non-branded plain black, grey or navy shorts or joggers) be provided in a named bag as pupils will change at school.

Uniform Suppliers

School uniform with a logo is available from ‘The Famous School Branches’ in Swindon town centre. The shop is open Monday to Saturday, 9am until 5pm. Alternatively, you can call them on 0161 476 7216 or order online at

School coloured (burgundy) sweatshirts and cardigans without a logo are also acceptable and can be purchased from local supermarkets and retailers.

Spare Uniform 

School has a collection of items of secondhand school clothing that can be passed on to families free of charge. School organise uniform donations, clothing and coat swaps throughout the year - please check the newsletter for events.

If you have any good quality clean school uniform that your child no longer needs then please donate to the school so we can pass on to others - thank you.