Stakeholder Views and Student Voice

Results from the Term 4 2023 Pupil Survey 

Statement 1: Teachers help me to do my best:

84% of children feel in most or every lesson that teachers help them. Of the 14% percent that feel they receive help sometimes; it is because they know what they are doing so don’t always ask for support mid lesson.

My teacher helps me when I need help so that I can get onto the next challenge. Year 4 Pupil


Statement 2: I enjoy learning at this school:

86% of pupils enjoy learning in most or every lesson. A further 11% state they enjoy learning in some lessons but not all.

I love learning about fractions, they used to be hard but now I find them quite easy. Year 5 Pupil


 Statement 3: Teachers listen to what I have to say in lessons:

92% of children agree or strongly agree that their teacher or learning support assistant listens to what I have to say.

My teacher helps me with my answer if it is not correct when I sit on the carpet and tell the group what I think. Year 2 Pupil


Statement 4: There is an adult at school I can talk to if something is worrying me:

91% of children agree or strongly agree that there is an adult in the school I can talk to.

If my head is overloaded with worries, I can speak to one of the ELSAs to help me. They are amazing! Year 3 Pupil


Statement 5: The behaviour of other pupils in my lessons is good:

87% of children believe that behaviour of other pupils during learning some or most of the time is good. Where it is not good, the adults in the room will deal with the issue.

Sometimes one of the boys can be a bit silly but my teacher deals with him so I can get on with my learning.” Year 3 Pupil


Statement 6: Is bullying a problem at this school:

82% of children say that on the few occasions that bullying occurs at school, the teachers are really good at dealing with it.


Statement 7: I feel safe when I am at school:

85% of children say they feel very safe at school with a further 12% adding that they feel safe most of the time.

I feel safe in school and if I have a worry, I have many adults I can talk to.


Statement 8: My school encourages me to look after my physical health (for example, healthy eating and fitness):

85% agree or strongly agree with this statement.

We learn about healthy diets and exercise in Science and we have extra PE sessions with Mrs O’Daly to help us stay active. Year 5/6 Pupil