British Values

At Westlea Primary School, we develop and promote British Values throughout our school and within our curriculum.

“We want every school to promote the basic British Values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty, and mutual respect and tolerance for those of different faiths and beliefs.” Lord Nash

A key part of our plan for education is to ensure children become valuable and fully rounded members of society who treat others with respect and leave school fully prepared for life in modern Britain. We do this through themed assemblies, guest speakers and visits such as a trip to meet the Mayor of Swindon and visit the Chambers.

British Values

  • The Rule of Law

  • Democracy

  • Individual Liberty

  • Mutual Respect

  • Tolerance for those of different faiths and beliefs

British Values Assembly Themes

Autumn 1: British Value – Democracy

Autumn 2: British Value – Rule of Law

Spring 1: British Value – Individual Liberty

Spring 2: British Value – Mutual Respect

Summer 1: British Value – Tolerance (different faiths and beliefs)

Summer 2: British Value – Consolidation

School Council

Our School Council help us to ensure that British Values are promoted throughout the school. We have 2 School Council representatives from each class from Year 2 and Year 6.

As part of the School Council, we are the voices of all the children in the school. We work together to come up with new and exciting ways to make our school an even better place to be. This can be through projects or ideas of things to try. Through different events each year, we raise awareness of and money for local, national and international charities and enjoy showing our support. The Head Boy, Head Girl and Prefects work with us to continue to develop our role and how what we can achieve during the year we spend on The School Council.

Head Boy and Girl

My name is Alice and I enjoy lots of different sports and I enjoy listening to music and drawing at home. My name is Alfie and I like building stuff out of Lego and reading in my spare time.
We wanted to take on the role of Head Girl and Head boy because we think that we can set a good example for the people around us and help the school be a better place. We want to help inspire younger children to that think they might want to be a head boy or a head girl when they’re in Year 6. We are part of The Prefects and School Council and lead them through their roles to make sure we’re all working together.

School Council

Our School Council help us to ensure that British Values are promoted throughout the school. We have 2 School Council representatives from each class from Year 2 and Year 6.

As part of the School Council, we are the voices of all the children in the school. We work together to come up with new and exciting ways to make our school an even better place to be. Through different events each year, we raise awareness of and money for local, national and international charities and enjoy showing our support. The Head Boy, Head Girl and Prefects work with us to continue to develop our role.
Westlea School Council Reps

















 The role of a School Council Member:

  • You will attend regular meetings with other School Council members from each class.
  • You will take ideas and suggestions your class have to discuss at School Council meetings.
  • You will bring back ideas, information and suggestions to your class and encourage your class to listen, discuss, share their views and, where necessary, vote on actions that need to be taken.
  • You will encourage the pupils in your class to be aware of their school environment and to respect and care for it.
  • You will contribute towards writing the School Newsletter to inform and update pupils, parents and staff about the school council and their role.


We have a team of prefects who have been chosen to represent the school. The prefects are ambassadors for the school and carry out important tasks and jobs as directed by staff.

The role of a Prefect:

  • You will represent the school to parents, visitors, children and staff.
  • You will do an office duty answering phones and greeting visitors, occasionally supporting with admin tasks such as distributing letters and leaflets.
  • You will be called upon to show visitors around the school and talk to them about our school.
  • You will be, in essence, a junior member of staff and will be expected to take the role seriously.
  • You will need to lead by example and demonstrate responsibility, being a role model for all.
Westlea School Year 6 Prefects











Eco Warriors

The Eco Council has been newly formed this year with the express purpose of helping the school to gain it's eco award. The members of the council were elected by their class mates after having given them a speech about why they want to be part of the Eco council. There are 12 members of the council from years 3 to 6.

The first job of the eco council has been to complete an environmental review of the school; from this they will develop an action plan for the year. Once the plan is written the council will spend their time implementing, monitoring and reviewing the actions. Once the council feel we are ready we will then submit our application to become an eco school - this will be between May and July next year.